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Lisbon Named “Best Destination 2010” by European Consumer Awards


We always knew Lisbon was special. We thought the exciting vibe of the city was our own little secret. But not any more! Today, European Consumer Choice Awards announced Lisbon as the winner of Best Travel Destination 2010.

Praca do Commercio, Lisbon, Lisboa Portugal

The Praça do Comércio in Lisbon

In its announcement, the awards organization described, ““A scenario combining the grandiosity of its history and a vanguard path toward its future, Lisbon is endowed with unique natural beauty and fascinating tourist attractions, which are intensified by the city and surrounding region’s diversity and quality.”

Castelo do São Jorge, Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Castelo do São Jorge Overlooking Lisbon

For the award selection, the Brussels-based European Consumers’ Association proposed a list of ten cities focusing on quality of life and infrastructure, as well as offering cultural and tourism variety. In addition to Lisbon, other cities on the ballot were Barcelona, London, Copenhagen, Bilbao, Lyon, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague and Helsinki. Voting took place between December 2009 and January 2010.

Baixa District in Lisbon

Popular & Trendy Baixa District

For the Association of European Consumers, the election reflects “a city that has retained all his soul and offering a gateway to tourism, without forgetting their social and cultural riches.”

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